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How do I Add an Event to a Calendar Resource Instance?

  • Navigate to the calendar of your choosing.
  • Click on the Layout Manager to put your page into edit mode, or alternatively, locate the    button under the calendar, and click it.
  • This will allow the Add Event dialog to appear, facilitating the provision of information about an event.
  • The Add Event dialog consists of 4 tabs:
  • Info: General information entry screen for an event
  • Categories: Tools to allow you to create and apply categories to an event
  • Dates: Configuration fields related to when the event(s) occur(s)
  • Contact: Information entry screen (optional) about contacts and locations for an event
  • Complete, as warranted, the items in the Add Event dialog.

Elements that invite completion on the Event dialog box include:


  1. Event Status: Choose either Active (renders to the calendar, and all information is available) or Pending (still in editing mode, not yet displayed on a calendar)
  2. Event Title: Enter a descriptive title for the event
  3. Event Description: Enter information that the user would like to read to understand the event and its offering. You are not expected to put event location, timing or similar in this field, since these are collected in other locations in this Add Event dialog.


  1. Edit Categories: Click this button to activate dialog that allows you to create and configure a new event categories.  Categories may be used to help organize your event types, and could represent departments, meeting types, and more. 
  2. NOTE: Adding an Event Category and Permissions is covered in a separate instruction, How Do I… Add and Event Category and Event Permissions?
  3. Apply Category: In the list of categories on the screen, check off one or more categories that apply to the event, should the event warrant categorization.


  1. All Day Event checkbox: Click this to indicate that the event runs all day (e.g., conference)
  2. Starts:  This is the date/time you wish the event to start (*this is a mandatory field)
  3. Ends: Select this radio button if there is an “end” date and time applicable to your event (or All Day? May be selected for an all-day event…)
  4. Recurring Event: When selected, this field allows propagation of a series of events.  Further information needs to be populated from Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Yearly controls. (Weekly and Monthly will allow for further clarification on when the event will occur.)
  5. Until: This provides you with a pop-up calendar that allows you to set the end date/time for event recurrence
  6. Additional Instance Dates: This allows you to further refine your event with a pop up calendar for additional dates. To capture these changes, please ensure you are selecting the Add button once you have selected your additional instance date(s)
  7. Instance Date Notes: Click Add Instance Date Note to add a specific note to an instance.  Pick an instance from the list, then type the text of your note. Click Save when complete.


  1. More Information Group: In this group, you may complete fields that permit links to an external event website, as well as who to contact for more event information.
  2. Contact Location Group: In this group, you may add any relevant information regarding the location, etc. These fields are not mandatory fields to complete. Latitude and longitude boxes are available (and usually auto-populated when a correct address has been provided) to enable provision of a link to a Google Map, which will generate when these fields are populated in the public event view.

Click Save and Close to complete this single event entry, or Save and Reload to open a new blank event dialog (allowing you to enter another event).