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Adding Menu Items

  1. Click the Manage Resource icon on the Menu.
  2. Click Add A Root Menu Item.
  3. Scroll down to the Explore area.
    1. The Type of instance being added to the menu is known as a Folder (this is a web page).
    2. Instances can be sorted by clicking Type.
  4. Select the Folder Name (or page) to be added to the menu by checking the box on the left-hand side.
  5. Click Save.
    1. Users will be returned to the Manage Menu.
    2. The new menu item will appear at the bottom of the list.
    3. Click Save.

The Page (or Folder) must be created before adding it as a menu item. For more information about creating pages, see section Pages.


Moving Menu Items

Menu items can be dragged and dropped by clicking and holding the menu item  move menu icon  icon. No indentation indicates a main menu item. Increasing the indent on the menu item will determine the depth of subpages (secondary or tertiary pages beneath a main menu item).