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Content Management Icons

“Page layout mode” offers a variety of content management icons that will appear on each resource instance placed upon the page. Once a resource instance is dragged and dropped from the Layout Manager, administrators will use these icons to manage, edit, or add content to the resource instance.


Manage Resource

To configure certain display settings or manage existing content of a resource.

Add Item

 Add a new (content) item to the resource.

Delete Resource

 Permenantly delete a resource and related items from the website.

Always use caution when deleting resources as all related content added to the resource may not be recoverable once the resource has been deleted. If you have deleted a resource or content mistakenly, contact Sandbox as soon as possible.

Edit Resource

 Edit the (content) items within a resource. 

Open File Explorer

 Opens the resource or item in the explorer location.

Remove Resource

 Removes the resource and (content) items from the current page. 

Using this option will not delete the resource or associated items, it will simply remove it from the page. Users can retrieve all content items and the resource by navigating to the Explorer. 

Configure Resource

 Adjusts certain resource settings. 

This setting will usually only be used by developers. If using this function is required, it will often be outlined in custom components. 

Clone Event

 Used for event resources. This setting will clone an existing event. 

Send Event Invite

 Used only for events resources. This option will send an invitation for an event to specified users.