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The OASIS Toolbar

The OASIS Toolbar (appearing at the top of the browser after logging in) offers 5 menu items. These items are available to help administrators with making changes to the website.


Offers actions that will add to the website. Options such as, adding pages, adding files, adding folders (in which files can be placed), and/or adding resources such as lists, galleries, or form builders.

  • Select to add a resource to the current page. (Often, this step is best performed through the Layout Manager, rather than the OASIS Toolbar.)


For managing page information such as moving page locations, modifying page information, deleting pages, and/or marking pages as reviewed.

  • Select to move the current page (Folder type) to a new part of the website. 
  • Select to modify details of the current page, including page name, description, search tags, permissions, and more.
  • Select to delete the current page. 

Use caution when deleting pages! All resources and associated resource items will also be deleted. 

Mark as Reviewed
  • Select to mark the current page as reviewed. 


This is where users are managed, configurations and back-end designs are changed, the recycling bin can be viewed, and users can log out. Many functions under the Administer item should not be adjusted. Items that administrators should be familiar with will be covered in this document and can be brought up in training sessions.

  • Select to add a new user account to the website.
  • Select to add new user groups to the website.
  • Select to add tags to items on the website for organizational and search purposes.
Recycle Bin
  • Select to view and/or restore items that have been deleted on the website.
Update Account
  • Select to update the current user account/profile.

Administer - For Developer Use Only

The following options are typically for developer use unless otherwise instructed. If adjustments need to be made in any of the following options, steps outlining how to manage these options will be outlined in your user manual. For more information, you can contact Sandbox.

  • To manage page link redirects.
Manage System Emails
  • Select to manage outgoing email settings.
Manage Site Configuration
  • To manage or change the configuration of the website.


Covering a range of reports like SEO availability, a (page) review list, accessibility, and system logs. This information is used for the maintenance of the website.

SEO Availability
  • Select to view search engine optimization and accessibility standards for pages of the website
Review List
  • Select to view (and/or mark as reviewed) pages that have not yet been reviewed by an administrator based on the page review schedule (if applicable).
Search Phrases
  • Select to view commonly occurring search terms, or phrases throughout the website.
Tracking Campaign Log
  • Select to view tracked Google analytics campaign details (if applicable).
System Log
  • Select to view recent actions that have been performed on the website.
Accessibility Check
  • By selecting the desired compliance level (A, AA, AAA) and clicking Validate, OASIS will check the current page against accessibility standards as outlined in the WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) and offer a pass or fail result. 

It is important to remember that some AODA errors do not need intervention or cannot be resolved. In a case where errors are present, content on a web page should be made accessible through other types of accessible format such as: eText documents, in-person interaction, Braille or Braille display devices, captioning or audio descriptions. If you require more information on the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disability Act (AODA), Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), or the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), please contact Sandbox.

Link Summary
  • Lists a summary of links on the current page.


Everything created and uploaded onto the website is stored in the Explorer. From this item, administrators can use the icons below to move, view, and/or edit different pieces of the website.

Explore Icons

View Resource

Edit Resource Details

Move Resource


Revert File

  • To view the page or individual resource
  • To view the page or individual resource
  • To move a resource from one area of the website to another
  • To permanently erase a resource from the website
  • If a file has been created and updated with revisions, previous versions can be used