How Do I Change Content in a Text Resource Instance?
About The Text Resource:
The Text Resource is the commonest resource, or software part, used in OASIS. It allows you to update typical content on your website.
To Access a Text Resource Instance:
- If not already in page layout mode (see section Layout Manager Palette), click on the Layout Manager Palette floating button to enable access to resource instance editing tools.
- Click on the icon above an instance of a Text resource to load the content to be edited in a pop-up window that provides access to a WYSIWYG [what you see is what you get] editing tool.
Inserting or Editing Text Content in a Text Resource:
- Click your mouse inside the WYSIWYG editor at a desired location.
- Begin typing your text.
- Adjust the appearance of your text by highlighting relevant passages and using the various format controls (buttons and links) provided in the WYSIWYG editor's toolbar.
Getting an Image Uploaded to the Server:
For an image to be properly rendered on a website, regardless of the resource that will do the job, the image file must be uploaded to the hosting web server. There are two scenarios, then, that you may find yourself in:
- The image file has already been uploaded to the server, in which case, you need merely to find it using the method provided in OASIS, and have it placed using the WYSIWYG editor in the Text resource
- The image file first needs to be uploaded to the server, and then placed in a Text resource using the respective WYSIWYG editor inserting an image into a block of text.
Both methods can be accessed by using the insert/edit image button in the WYSIWYG editor’s toolbar as the first step, which is described next.
Accessing the Insert/Edit Image Functionality in the WYSIWYG Editor:
Click on the icon or goto Insert > Insert Image ,located on the WYSIWYG editor toolbar.
Inserting an Existing Image That is in File System:
- Click on the button beside the Source field to trigger the Select a Resource dialog window.
- Navigate to the location of the image file in the files system using the Select a Resource dialog window.
- Click the radio button to the left of the file name of the image.
- Click the Select Resource button; this will load the file path and name in the Source field box. Complete, as desired, the remaining items in the dialog (the description is important for maintaining website accessibility standards)
- Click OK to insert the image.
Inserting an Image Not Yet Uploaded to the OASIS File System:
- Click on the Upload tab on the image selection dialog window.
- Add the file as you normally would (i.e., per instructions in the User Guide section “Adding a Folder, Web Page, File or Resource to the File System”), completing, as warranted, the permissions section.
- Click Save in the Upload dialog box to push the file and close the dialog.
- Complete as desired the remaining items in the Image insertion dialog (the description is important for maintaining website accessibility standards)
- Click OK to insert the image.
Editing/Resizing Images in a Text Resource Instance:
- Select the image (click on it with the mouse)
- Click on the Insert/Edit image button on the WYSIWYG editor’s toolbar.
- From the Insert/Edit Image dialogue window, select the Appearance tab. This will allow you to adjust alignment, dimensions, borders and spacing around an image.
Adding Videos Stored Externally (e.g. YouTube) into a Text Resource – URL Method:
- Click first on the desired location for the video in the WYSIWYG editor.
- Click the Insert WYSIWYG menu item.
- Click insert a Video menu option from the pull-down menu.
- Under the General tab, copy and paste the URL (where the video host supports this behavior [e.g., YouTube]) directly into the Source field.
- Complete other elements as desired.
- Click OK.
Adding Videos Stored Externally (e.g. YouTube) into a Text Resource – Code Snippet/Embed Method:
- Click first on the desired location for the video in the WYSIWYG editor.
- Click the Insert WYSIWYG menu item.
- Click insert a Video menu option from the pull-down menu.
- Click on the Embed tab.
- Copy and paste the embed code snippet (i.e., provided by the video hosting platform) into the field.
- Complete other elements on the General tab as desired.
- Click OK.
Inserting a Hyperlink into Text in a Text Resource Instance:
- Select the text you would like to become a hyperlink in the WYSIWYG editor using the mouse.
- Click the Insert/Edit link button on the WYSIWYG editor’s toolbar. (This will launch the Insert/Edit Link dialogue window.)
- Enter the full link URL [including http://] into the Link URL field.
- To choose a web page that already exists in the OASIS file system, click on the browse icon to the right of the URL field and use the explorer to navigate to the web page desired; then select the web page by clicking on the radio button and completing with clicking Select Resource.
- Complete any other fields desired in the Insert/Edit Link dialog box
- Complete the linking process by clicking OK.
Deleting a Hyperlink from Text in a Text Resource Instance:
- Highlight the text associated with the link with the mouse in the WYSIWYG editor.
- Click the unlink icon in the WYSIWYG editor’s toolbar.