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Add Categories in a News Resource Instance

The News resource includes capabilities to attach one or more categories to a News story. These, when coupled with a filter, allow the user to narrow news articles displayed to fixed categories “of interest”.

To Configure Categories for a News Resource Instance :

  • Navigate to the page on which the News resource instance is found.
  • Place the home page into edit/compose mode (click on the Layout Manager button to open the Layout Manager Palette).
  • Click on the Manage Categories link at the top of the News resource instance.
  • In the Manage Categories dialog box, complete the available fields to describe and define your category.
    • Category Name: A memorable title for your category that both you and site visitors will comprehend when it is shown.
    • Category Parent: You can create sub-categories; this field allows you to do so by attaching the new category to a parent category.
    • Display Order: A manual process which allows you to define the display of items. Items shown first in a category list have the lowest numeric values; it is wise, given prospects of adding new categories in the future, to implement numbering in units of 10 (first ordered category as 0, second as 10, third as 20, etc.)
    • Viewable by: Allows restriction of the viewing of category-based articles to select groups or users (from the site’s users table).
    • Description: Record an extended description, if relevant.
  • Click Save, and, if warranted, Close the dialog box.